Relevant Videos
Cardinal Timothy Dolan speaking on the importance of apologetics today:
The Trifecta: Proof of God, Proof of the Gospels, Proof of the Catholic Church
How the Kalam Cosmological Argument provides evidence of God’s existence:
How the Big Bang provides evidence of God’s existence:
In the Beginning short video highlighting the Big Bang and other cosmic evidence of God’s existence:
God and the Astronomer short video in which Robert Jastrow, founding director of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute, reflects on how contemporary scientific evidence points to the existence of a supernatural Creator:
What Would You Say? “There’s No Evidence That God Exists.”
How the intelligible laws of nature and their fine tuning provide compelling evidence for the existence of God:
How the fine tuning of the universe provides compelling evidence for the existence of God:
The “local fine tuning” of the many factors that make life on earth possible (Part 1 of 2):
The “local fine tuning” of the many factors that make life on earth possible (Part 2 of 2):
Has Science Discovered God?
Bishop Robert Barron discussing why we believe in God, including the Argument from Desire:
Professor Stephen Barr discussing the various types of causes and God’s role in evolution:
Short computer-animated video showing the amazing process of how the genetic information in DNA is used to form proteins from amino acids in the cell, with comments by Dr. Dean Kenyon:
Dr. Stephen Meyer discussing how the genetic information found in DNA is best explained by an intelligent cause:
DNA Is Code: Who Coded It? (Science Uprising 03). Is the software that runs life the result of accumulated copying errors? Or does it require a programmer?
Origin of Life: Intelligence Required (Science Uprising 05). Can life spontaneously generate itself from chemicals? Or are detailed instructions required?
Can God Bring Good from Suffering?
What is the Answer to Suffering?
How to Embrace Suffering by the Knights of Columbus, from their Into the Breach video series for men:
NEW: Fr. James Brent explains the meaning behind the expression “offer it up”:
The following video explains how the Resurrection of Jesus is confirmed by the dramatic transformation of his disciples:
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? – Part One: The Facts
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? – Part Two: The Explanation
NEW: Was the Resurrection of Jesus Faked?
Do Near-Death Experiences Prove a Transphysical Soul? by Fr. Robert Spitzer:
NEW: Excerpt from the BBC documentary The Day I Died about Pam Reynolds’ Near-Death Experience
Fr. Larry Richards discussing Is Everyone Saved?
Fr. Larry Richards discussing how much Jesus Christ suffered for us during his passion and death on the cross:
YouTube video with powerful quotes about the Catholic Mass:
Fr. Larry Richards discussing the importance of the Mass:
Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus YouTube video by Fr. Pontifex:
NEW: The Veil Removed: A short video that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by Scripture and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church