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Click/tap image below to watch a free video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation The Science and Significance of Eucharistic Miracles given by Steven Hemler:

Click/tap image below to watch a video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation God and Science: Where Does the Evidence Lead? given by Steven Hemler (for a small fee):

Click/tap image below to watch a video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation Which is True: Creation, Evolution, or Both? given by Steven Hemler (for a small fee):

Click/tap image below to watch a video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation Near-Death Experiences: Evidence of the Soul given by Steven Hemler (for a small fee):
Click/tap image below to watch a video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation How Are We Saved? The Catholic View of Salvation given by Steven Hemler (for a small fee):
Click/tap image below to watch a video on CMAX.TV of CAINA’s presentation Why We Need the Church: Being “Spiritual” Is Not Enough given by Steven Hemler (for a small fee):
Click/Tap Image Below to Watch More CAINA Presentations or Other Relevant Videos: